Frequently Asked Questions About Mashhad

Frequently Asked Questions About Mashhad

Mashhad, also known as Mashad or Meshed, is the second-largest city in Iran and a major pilgrimage destination thanks to its famous shrine, the Imam Reza Shrine. Many travelers have questions about this city, so we’ve put together a list of frequently asked questions to help you plan your visit to Mashhad.

1. What is Mashhad famous for?

As mentioned, Mashhad is famous for the Imam Reza Shrine, which is considered one of the most important religious sites in the world. This shrine attracts millions of pilgrims each year who come to pay their respects to the eighth Shiite Imam, Ali al-Ridha. The shrine complex covers an area of over 600,000 square meters and includes several mosques, a museum, a library, and a cemetery.

2. Is it safe to travel to Mashhad?

Yes, Mashhad is generally a safe city for travelers. The city has a low crime rate and is known for its hospitality towards visitors. However, it’s always a good idea to take precautions as you would in any unfamiliar city, such as avoiding unlit areas at night and keeping an eye on your belongings.

3. When is the best time to visit Mashhad?

The best time to visit Mashhad is during spring and fall when temperatures are pleasant and the crowds are lower. Summer in Mashhad can be very hot, with temperatures reaching up to 40°C. Winter is also a good time to visit if you enjoy snow and winter sports.

4. How to get to Mashhad?

Mashhad is well-connected to other major cities in Iran by bus, train, and air. Mashhad International Airport is located about 15 km from the city center and offers domestic and international flights. There are also several daily flights from Tehran to Mashhad. The train from Tehran takes around 10 hours, while buses take between 9 to 12 hours depending on the route.

5. What to wear when visiting the Imam Reza Shrine?

Visitors to the Imam Reza Shrine are required to dress modestly and respectfully. Men must wear long pants and a shirt, while women must wear a headscarf, long pants or skirt, and a blouse that covers their arms. Women are also required to wear a chador, which is a long black cloak that covers the whole body. The shrine provides chadors for female visitors at the entrance.

6. What other attractions are there in Mashhad?

Aside from the Imam Reza Shrine, Mashhad has several other attractions worth visiting, including:

  • The Goharshad Mosque, an impressive 15th-century mosque with intricate tilework and calligraphy.
  • The Nader Shah Museum, which houses a collection of artifacts and documents from the Nader Shah era.
  • The Water Waves Land, a water park with several pools and slides.
  • The Mellat Park, a large park with a lake, fountains, and several recreational areas.

7. What is the local cuisine in Mashhad?

Mashhad has a rich culinary tradition that blends Persian, Turkish, and Central Asian flavors. Some local dishes to try include:

  • Torshi Tareh, a tangy soup made with vegetables, lentils, and herbs.
  • Abgoosht, a hearty stew made with lamb, chickpeas, and potatoes.
  • Kebab Torsh, marinated beef or lamb skewers served with a sour cherry sauce.
  • Shir Birinj, a rice pudding made with saffron, rosewater, and cardamom.


Mashhad is a fascinating city with a rich history, vibrant culture, and welcoming locals. As a pilgrimage destination, it’s important to respect local customs and dress modestly when visiting religious sites. Beyond the Imam Reza Shrine, there are several other attractions to explore, and the local cuisine is not to be missed. We hope this guide has answered some of your questions and inspires you to visit this beautiful city.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Mashhad