Yerevan: Self-Guided Tour for your Audio Device with Map

Yerevan: Self-Guided Tour for your Audio Device with Map

Yerevan is the capital of Armenia and it is a popular tourist destination, attracting visitors from all around the world. As a tourist, you may have several questions, such as what are the best places to visit in Yerevan, how to get around the city, or what activities you can enjoy during your stay. One exciting activity to consider is the Yerevan: Self-Guided Tour for your Audio Device with Map.

What is the Yerevan: Self-Guided Tour for your Audio Device with Map?

The Yerevan: Self-Guided Tour for your Audio Device with Map is a self-guided walking tour that allows you to explore the city of Yerevan at your own pace. It is a perfect option for those who want to explore the city independently, without being tied to a tour group. The tour comes with an audio guide and a map, which will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the city’s history, culture, and landmarks.

How does the tour work?

After booking the activity, you will receive an email with instructions on how to download the audio guide and map onto your device. Once you have these, you can start the self-guided tour at any time that is convenient for you. The audio guide will provide you with interesting commentary about the city’s history and culture, while the map will guide you through the city’s streets and neighborhoods.

What are the landmarks included in the tour?

The Yerevan: Self-Guided Tour for your Audio Device with Map includes all the must-see landmarks in Yerevan. Some of the highlights include the Republic Square, the Cascade Complex, the Matenadaran Library, and the Armenian Genocide Memorial Complex. The tour also includes information about the city’s architecture, art, and local cuisine.

How long does the tour last?

The tour is self-guided, which means that you can take as much time as you want to explore the landmarks and neighborhoods. Depending on your pace, the tour can take anywhere from two to six hours. It is recommended that you wear comfortable shoes and bring plenty of water, especially during the hot summer months.

What are the benefits of a self-guided tour?

A self-guided tour offers several benefits for tourists. First, it allows you to explore the city at your own pace, without having to worry about keeping up with a tour group. Second, the audio guide provides you with detailed information about the landmarks and neighborhoods, which you may not get from a traditional tour guide. Third, the tour is often less expensive than a traditional guided tour, which can help you save money during your travels.


In conclusion, the Yerevan: Self-Guided Tour for your Audio Device with Map is an excellent option for tourists who want to explore Yerevan independently. This tour provides you with a comprehensive overview of the city’s history, culture, and landmarks, while allowing you to take as much time as you need to explore each location. If you are looking for an affordable and flexible way to explore Yerevan, be sure to book the Yerevan: Self-Guided Tour for your Audio Device with Map. Book the tour here and discover the beautiful city of Yerevan!

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Yerevan: Self-Guided Tour for your Audio Device with Map