The Ultimate Guide to Fun Outdoor Water Shoes for Kids

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When it comes to enjoying outdoor water activities with your kids, having the right footwear is essential. Kids love to splash through puddles, play in the sand, and explore rivers and streams, but wet and slippery surfaces can pose a safety risk. That’s where Body Glove Riverbreaker Water Shoes for Kids come in, providing excellent protection and grip for little feet.

Why Invest in Kids Swim Shoes?

Whether you’re heading to the beach, the pool, or on a hiking adventure near water, kids swim shoes are a must-have item. They offer several benefits to both parents and kids:

  • Protection: Swim shoes protect your child’s feet from sharp shells, rocks, hot sand, and other hazards lurking beneath the water’s surface.
  • Comfort: These shoes are designed to be lightweight and flexible, allowing kids to move comfortably while providing extra cushioning for added comfort.
  • Slip-Resistance: With their specially designed soles, kids swim shoes provide excellent grip on wet and slippery surfaces, reducing the risk of accidents.
  • Quick-Drying: Made from materials that dry quickly, these shoes are perfect for water activities. They won’t stay soggy for long, ensuring your child’s feet stay comfortable.

Introducing Body Glove Riverbreaker Water Shoes for Kids

One of the top choices for outdoor water shoes for kids is the Body Glove Riverbreaker. Designed with both style and functionality in mind, these shoes are perfect for all kinds of water adventures. Let’s take a closer look at what makes them so special:

Durable Construction

The Body Glove Riverbreaker Water Shoes for Kids are built to last. Made from high-quality materials, they’re designed to withstand rough play, rock climbing, and all sorts of water-related activities. The durable construction ensures these shoes will be your child’s loyal companion for many adventures to come.

Comfortable Fit

A comfortable fit is crucial for kids‘ water shoes, and the Body Glove Riverbreaker delivers just that. The shoes feature a stretchy neoprene collar that provides a snug yet flexible fit, preventing water from entering and ensuring your child’s feet stay dry and comfortable throughout the day. Plus, the bungee lacing system allows for easy adjustments and a secure fit.

Superior Traction

With its non-marking rubber outsole, the Body Glove Riverbreaker offers excellent traction on both wet and dry surfaces. Say goodbye to slips and falls! The shoe’s grippy outsole ensures your child can confidently explore any environment, whether it’s a sandy beach, rocky riverbed, or poolside area. Safety is a top priority in these water shoes.

Stylish Design

Who says water shoes can’t be fashionable? The Body Glove Riverbreaker combines functionality with style. These shoes are available in a variety of vibrant colors and eye-catching patterns that kids love. With these shoes on their feet, your little ones will be the envy of their friends during outdoor adventures.

Choosing the Right Size

It’s essential to get the right size for your child’s water shoes to ensure optimal comfort and performance. Follow Body Glove’s size chart or use a foot measuring tool to accurately determine your child’s size. Keep in mind that it’s better to have slightly larger shoes than ones that are too tight, as overly snug shoes can be uncomfortable and restrict proper foot movement.

US Size Foot Length (in inches) EU Size
7 6.34 24
8 6.69 25
9 7.01 26
10 7.32 27

Remember to measure your child’s feet regularly, as they can grow quickly, especially during their formative years.

Caring for Your Kids Swim Shoes

To ensure the longevity of your Body Glove Riverbreaker Water Shoes for Kids, it’s important to take proper care of them. Here are a few care tips:

  1. After each use, rinse the shoes with clean water to remove any sand, dirt, or saltwater residue.
  2. Avoid using harsh chemicals or bleach when cleaning the shoes, as they may weaken the materials.
  3. Air dry the shoes in a ventilated area, away from direct sunlight or heat sources.
  4. Store the shoes in a cool, dry place to prevent mildew or odor buildup.

Following these care instructions will keep your kids‘ water shoes in excellent condition and ready for their next adventure!


When it comes to keeping your child safe and comfortable during outdoor water activities, investing in high-quality kids swim shoes is a smart move. The Body Glove Riverbreaker Water Shoes for Kids offer durability, comfort, traction, and style. With their secure fit and excellent grip, your little ones can splash, play, and explore with confidence.

So, don’t wait! Get your kids a pair of Body Glove Riverbreaker Water Shoes today and watch as their outdoor adventures reach new heights!

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