Herzlich Willkommen zu unserem Blog-Beitrag über die 1 besten Tagestouren in Side. Wenn Sie nach einem unvergesslichen Abenteuer suchen, dann sind Sie hier genau richtig. Side ist eine antike Stadt an der Südküste der Türkei und bietet unzählige Aktivitäten und Sehenswürdigkeiten. Ob Sie nun Entspannung am Strand suchen oder etwas Actionreiches unternehmen möchten, es gibt für jeden etwas zu entdecken. In diesem Artikel stellen wir Ihnen die Top-Tagesausflüge in Side vor, die Sie während Ihres Aufenthalts in der Region unbedingt unternehmen sollten.
Die Beste Tagestouren in Side
Die Beste Tagestouren in Side
1. from Side: Cappadocia 2-Day Guided Trip w/ Meals & Entry Tickets

Entdecken Sie das atemberaubende Cappadocia auf dieser 2-tägigen geführten Tour ab Side. Beginnen Sie Ihren Tag früh am Morgen und lassen Sie sich von einem klimatisierten Fahrzeug zu dieser spektakulären Landschaft bringen. Unterwegs machen Sie Halt, um ein leckeres Frühstück einzunehmen. Bei Ihrer Ankunft haben Sie die Möglichkeit, an einer optionalen Heißluftballonfahrt teilzunehmen (nicht im Tourpreis inbegriffen). Der restliche Tag steht im Zeichen von historischen Stätten und landschaftlichen Highlights. Besuchen Sie das Freilichtmuseum Göreme und den unterirdischen Städtekomplex Kaymakli, bevor Sie in ein lokales Hotel einchecken und ein köstliches Abendessen genießen. Am zweiten Tag besuchen Sie den Sultanhani Karawanserei und reisen zurück nach Side. Die Tour beinhaltet alle Mahlzeiten sowie Eintrittskarten zu den besuchten Attraktionen. Bitte denken Sie daran, passende Schuhe, eine Regenjacke oder einen Regenschirm, sowie Ihren Reisepass oder Personalausweis mitzubringen.
Frequently Asked Questions About Side: Your Ultimate Guide
Side, a small coastal city located on the Mediterranean coast in Southern Turkey, is known for its beautiful beaches, historical sites, and charming atmosphere. If you are planning to visit Side, you may have some questions in mind. In this blog post, we have rounded up some of the most frequently asked questions about Side to help you plan your trip.
1. When is the best time to visit Side?
The best time to visit Side is between April and October when the weather is warm, and the sun is shining. Summers can be hot, so it’s best to pack light clothing and sunscreen. If you prefer fewer crowds, consider visiting in the spring or autumn.
2. How do I get to Side?
Side is located around an hour’s drive from Antalya, which is the closest major airport. You can catch a taxi or a bus from the airport to Side. If you are driving, there are plenty of car rental options available at the airport.
3. What are the best things to see and do in Side?
Side is known for its ancient ruins, including the ancient theater, the Temple of Apollo, and the Roman Baths. You can also enjoy leisurely strolls along the picturesque harbor and a dip in the Mediterranean Sea. The town has plenty of restaurants, cafes, and bars, serving Turkish and international cuisine.
4. Is it safe to swim in the sea in Side?
Yes, it’s safe to swim in the sea in Side, as the water is clean and clear. However, it can be a good idea to wear water shoes, especially if you’re planning to swim near rocks, as they can be slippery.
5. What should I wear when visiting Side?
Side is a modern town, and you can wear casual clothing such as shorts, t-shirts, and sandals. However, if you are planning to visit mosques or historical sites, it’s advisable to wear conservative clothing, covering your shoulders and legs.
6. How much money should I budget for a trip to Side?
The cost of a trip to Side depends on how long you’re planning to stay, where you’re staying, and what activities you’re planning to do. On average, a mid-range budget traveler can expect to spend around 70-100 euros per day, including accommodation, transportation, food, and activities.
7. Can I use credit cards in Side?
Yes, credit cards are widely accepted in Side, especially in hotels, restaurants, and shops. However, it’s always a good idea to carry some cash with you, especially when visiting smaller shops or markets.
8. Is it easy to find English speakers in Side?
Yes, it’s relatively easy to find English speakers in Side, especially in tourist areas. However, locals appreciate it when visitors attempt to speak some Turkish, so it’s always a good idea to learn a few basic phrases.
9. Can I visit Side as a solo traveler?
Yes, Side is a safe destination for a solo traveler, and there are plenty of sightseeing, shopping, and dining options available. However, as with any destination, it’s always a good idea to be aware of your surroundings and take necessary precautions.
10. Can I visit Side with my family?
Yes, Side is an excellent destination for families, with plenty to see and do for all ages. Children will enjoy visiting the aqua park or spending a day at the beach, while parents can explore the town’s historical sites and enjoy some Turkish hospitality.
Side is a great destination for anyone looking for a relaxing beach holiday combined with a dose of culture and history. We hope that this guide has helped answer some of your questions and gives you a better idea of what to expect when visiting Side. So pack your bags, and book your trip to Side today!