Jewel Changi Airport: Sky Nets Admission Ticket

Jewel Changi Airport: Sky Nets Admission Ticket

Singapore is an exciting destination that offers loads of interesting attractions for tourists to see and experience. One of the many popular attractions that can be found in Singapore is the Jewel Changi Airport: Sky Nets Admission Ticket. In this blog post, you will learn all about this thrilling adventure that will take you soaring above the clouds. We will also answer some of the most frequently asked questions by tourists visiting Singapore.

What is the Jewel Changi Airport: Sky Nets Admission Ticket?

The Jewel Changi Airport: Sky Nets Admission Ticket is a fantastic attraction that offers visitors a chance to experience the thrill of walking and bouncing on giant nets suspended up to 25 meters above the ground. This activity is located at the Jewel Changi Airport, which is a world-class lifestyle destination that is designed to connect people, nature, and the city.

What can I expect from the Sky Nets Admission Ticket?

When you book the Sky Nets Admission Ticket, you can expect to have an incredible experience that will take you on an adventure high above the ground. You will be able to walk and bounce on giant nets that are suspended over a four-story atrium. The attraction is designed to challenge your balance and thrill your senses while providing a unique perspective of the airport and the city.

Is the Sky Nets Admission Ticket suitable for children and families?

Yes, the Sky Nets Admission Ticket is suitable for children and families. Children who are at least 1.3 meters tall are eligible to participate in this activity, and safety measures are put in place to ensure everyone’s safety. Parents can also watch their children take on the adventure from the viewing areas that are available.

What is the duration of the Sky Nets Admission Ticket?

The duration of the Sky Nets Admission Ticket is approximately one hour. This time is enough for you to enjoy the attraction fully and take in the fantastic views of the Jewel Changi Airport and the city.

What should I wear for the Sky Nets Admission Ticket?

It is recommended that you wear comfortable clothing and shoes for the Sky Nets Admission Ticket. Flip flops, sandals, and high heels are not allowed for safety reasons. You should also avoid wearing loose clothing, scarfs or anything that can get caught on the nets.

How do I book my Sky Nets Admission Ticket?

You can book your Sky Nets Admission Ticket online through the GetYourGuide website. Click here to book this exciting adventure now.


The Jewel Changi Airport: Sky Nets Admission Ticket is a fantastic attraction that offers visitors an incredible experience high above the ground. We hope this blog post has provided you with all the information you need to know about this activity. If you’re planning a trip to Singapore soon, be sure to book your Sky Nets Admission Ticket and enjoy this thrilling adventure.

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Jewel Changi Airport: Sky Nets Admission Ticket