Ist es möglich, in São Tomé für weniger als 1.000 USD zu leben?

Ist es möglich, in São Tomé für weniger als 1.000 USD zu leben?

São Tomé has been emerging as an ideal destination for travelers for quite some time, and a lot of people are intrigued by the idea of settling down here. While it is indeed an exotic place with stunning beaches and great culture, a question that often pops up is: „Can you live in São Tomé for less than 1,000 USD?“ Let’s explore the cost of living in São Tomé with a monthly budget of 1,000 USD.


Before diving into the aspects of living in São Tomé within a budget of $1,000, it is essential to have a rough overview of the living costs in the city. The local currency of São Tomé is dobra, but the US dollar has a significant influence in the region. As such, let’s consider the cost of living in São Tomé in USD. The accommodation costs in São Tomé are pretty reasonable if you’re comfortable living in local neighborhoods. The monthly rent for a one-bedroom apartment near the city center is around $250. The utility bills such as electricity, water, and gas will be additional and usually amount to $50 per month. The price of common groceries such as rice, vegetables, and fruits in local markets is quite affordable in São Tomé, and a budget of approximately $150 per month is quite sufficient. Now, what about the rest of the expenses?


The transportation costs in São Tomé are relatively low. You can use the public transport buses, which cost around $0.45 for an average trip around the town. A taxi ride to and from the airport will cost you around $15. If you decide to buy a motorcycle in São Tomé, which is a popular mode of transportation, it will cost you around $800.


The entertainment costs in São Tomé are affordable as well. A meal at a local restaurant is anywhere between $8 and $15, and you can get a beer for $2.50. If you plan your meals at the popular street markets or cook yourself, you can cut down your food expenses significantly. If you want to enjoy a movie night or go to a club, a one-time entry fee is around $5, and the cost of drinks can range from $2 to $4.

Health Expenses

In terms of healthcare, São Tomé has several hospitals and clinics. The treatment fees are reasonable, but if you require specific procedures that may not be available in São Tomé, it might require you to travel to nearby countries such as Angola or Portugal. A visit to the local doctor costs around $5, while more specialized consultations can cost up to $50.

Total Monthly Expenditure

If we add up all the costs mentioned above, the monthly expenditure would amount to roughly around $610-$700. Hence, it is apparent that living in São Tomé is possible for people with a budget of 1,000 USD. Although, since the budget is relatively tight, it is essential to plan your monthly expenses carefully.


In conclusion, living in São Tomé can be very affordable if you plan your expenses carefully, especially if you’re comfortable living a modest lifestyle. The availability of local markets and affordable transport options further helps in maintaining a low budget. While it may be challenging to save a considerable amount of money with a budget of $1,000, it is quite feasible to live a decent life in São Tomé within that budget. If you are someone who is looking to experience the African culture and settle on a budget, the possibility of living for less than 1,000 USD while in São Tomé is a good option.

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Ist es möglich, in São Tomé für weniger als 1.000 USD zu leben?