How to Plan Your Northern Lights Night Tour from Reykjavik

Experience the mesmerizing beauty of the Northern Lights on a magical evening tour from Reykjavik. This natural wonder, also known as the Aurora Borealis, is a breathtaking display of colorful lights dancing in the night sky. To make the most of your Northern Lights adventure, follow this guide for planning your tour.

1. Pick the Right Season

The Northern Lights are visible during late August to mid-April, with the peak season being from September to March. Choose a date within this timeframe to increase your chances of seeing this celestial spectacle.

2. Check the Weather

Before booking your tour, keep an eye on the weather forecast. Clear, cloudless nights offer the best conditions for viewing the Northern Lights. If the forecast predicts overcast skies, consider rescheduling your tour for a better chance of seeing the lights.

3. Book a Guided Tour

To enhance your experience and ensure a successful Northern Lights sighting, book a guided tour. Expert tour guides have extensive knowledge of the best viewing spots and can provide interesting insights about the phenomenon. They also have access to up-to-date information about the current activity levels of the lights.

4. Dress Appropriately

When preparing for your Northern Lights tour, it’s crucial to dress warmly. Iceland’s weather can be extremely cold, especially at night. Layer your clothing and wear thermal base layers, a waterproof and wind-resistant outer layer, warm socks, gloves, a hat, and insulated boots. Don’t forget to bring hand and feet warmers to keep extra warm.

5. Bring Essential Equipment

Make sure to bring the following essential equipment for your Northern Lights adventure:

  • A camera with manual settings: Capture the beauty of the Northern Lights with long-exposure photography.
  • A sturdy tripod: Keep your camera stable for those long-exposure shots.
  • A flashlight: Illuminate your path and help you set up your camera in the dark.
  • Extra batteries and memory cards: Don’t run out of power or storage space.
  • A neck warmer and goggles: Protect your face from the cold and wind.

6. Stay Patient and Flexible

Seeing the Northern Lights is ultimately up to nature, and they can be elusive. Be patient and prepared to wait for the lights to appear. Sometimes they can be visible early in the evening, while other times you may have to wait until late at night. Tour guides will do their best to find the best viewing conditions, even if it means traveling to different locations.

7. Enjoy the Moment

When the Northern Lights appear, take a moment to fully immerse yourself in the experience. Witnessing this incredible natural phenomenon is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Put down your camera at times and simply enjoy the show with your own eyes.

8. Book Your Northern Lights Night Tour

Ready to embark on your Northern Lights adventure? Secure your spot on the unforgettable Northern Lights Night Tour from Reykjavik. This guided tour will take you to the best viewing locations and provide you with an expert commentary on the lights‘ science and folklore. Don’t miss out on this extraordinary experience.

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How to Plan Your Northern Lights Night Tour from Reykjavik