Enhance Your Pet’s Freedom with the Perfect Doorway!

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Ideal Pet Products Designer Series Plastic Pet Door with Telescoping Frame, Medium, 7″ x 11.25″ Flap Size

Are you tired of constantly getting up to let your pet in and out? Do you want to give your furry friend the independence they deserve, while still maintaining control over their indoor and outdoor access? If so, we have the perfect solution for you!

Introducing the Ideal Pet Products Designer Series Plastic Pet Door with Telescoping Frame, a revolutionary way to give your pet the freedom to explore the outside world without compromising the security and comfort of your home.

Key Features

Before we delve into the incredible benefits that this pet door offers, let’s take a moment to explore its key features:

Feature Description
Telescoping Frame The telescoping frame allows for easy installation on doors, walls, or any other suitable surface, making it versatile and suitable for various home setups.
Medium Size With a flap size of 7″ x 11.25″, this pet door is perfect for medium-sized pets, allowing them to enter and exit comfortably.
Sturdy Plastic Construction The door’s high-quality plastic construction ensures long-lasting durability and resistance against harsh weather conditions.
Transparent Flap The transparent flap not only provides a clear view of the outside but also allows your pet to see if anyone is approaching the door.
Secure Locking Mechanism Equipped with a secure locking mechanism, this pet door enables you to control your pet’s access to the outside, ensuring their safety and protection.

Installation Process

Installing the Ideal Pet Products Designer Series Plastic Pet Door is a breeze. Simply follow these step-by-step instructions:

  1. First, measure and mark the desired location for the pet door.
  2. Use a saw or utility knife to carefully cut out the opening, following the marked measurements.
  3. Insert the telescoping frame into the opening, ensuring a snug fit.
  4. Secure the frame using the provided screws and a screwdriver.
  5. Attach the door flap by aligning it with the frame and inserting the connecting pins.
  6. Test the door’s functionality by allowing your pet to go through it a few times.

With these simple steps, you’ll have your pet door installed and ready to use in no time!

Durability and Security

When it comes to pet doors, durability and security are paramount. The Ideal Pet Products Designer Series Plastic Pet Door excels in both these aspects.

The sturdy plastic construction ensures that this pet door can withstand even the harshest weather conditions, making it suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. Your pet can freely go in and out without worrying about damage to the door.

Additionally, the secure locking mechanism provided with this pet door allows you to control when your pet can access the outside. With just a simple slide of the lock, you can restrict access during certain times or when you’re away, giving you peace of mind knowing your pet is safe at all times.

Choosing the Right Size

Ensuring that you choose the correct size for your pet door is crucial. It allows your furry friend to pass through comfortably while keeping unwanted critters out. The Ideal Pet Products Designer Series Plastic Pet Door is available in various sizes, but today, we’ll focus on the medium size.

To determine if the medium size is suitable for your pet, measure their width and height at the shoulder. Make sure to add an additional inch to both measurements to ensure they can pass through the pet door effortlessly.

If your pet falls within the range of 7″ x 11.25″, the medium size will be a perfect fit! However, if they’re larger or smaller, Ideal Pet Products offers a range of sizes to accommodate all kinds of pets.

Maintenance and Cleaning

Maintaining and cleaning your pet door regularly is essential to ensure its long-term functionality. The Ideal Pet Products Designer Series Plastic Pet Door is designed for hassle-free maintenance. Here’s how you can keep it in top shape:

  • Regularly inspect the flap for any signs of wear and tear. If needed, replace it to maintain optimal insulation.
  • Use a damp cloth to wipe down the door frame and remove any accumulated dirt or debris.
  • Apply a silicone lubricant to the moving parts of the door to ensure smooth operation.
  • Periodically check the screws and tighten them if necessary to prevent any loose parts.

By following these simple maintenance steps, you can keep your pet door in excellent condition for years to come!


The Ideal Pet Products Designer Series Plastic Pet Door with Telescoping Frame is a remarkable investment for any pet owner seeking to provide their furry friend with freedom, while still maintaining control and security. With its easy installation process, durable construction, and secure locking mechanism, this pet door is sure to enhance your pet’s life and bring you peace of mind.

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to improve your pet’s daily life. Click here to purchase the Ideal Pet Products Designer Series Plastic Pet Door with Telescoping Frame today.

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